Our Garden Project

Our Garden Project

Our garden is dedicated to our love of plants. When we purchased the house 14years ago, it had an existing pergola, deck and veranda, all of which we have renovated. We love to experiment with plants and try new varieties in our garden before using them in a client’s project. There are a few roses and tulips planted in the garden in memory of our Mothers, both of whom were home gardeners and inspired our passion. 

The formal aspect of our garden is inspired by Melbourne garden designer Paul Bangay. His use of hedging, cloud balls and perennials are the basis of our design and more recently Michael McCoy has influenced us to use perennials in a non-traditional way. The front pathway is an informal path of organic round bluestone pavers set in the Santa Ana turf (a hail back to Anthony's greenkeeping days) with a few buxus spheres to lead the eye to the front door; hidden in the buxus are pathway lights. The Manchurian pears are kept clipped and pleached to maintain a tidy tall hedge with privet hedging below. We have played around with underplanting these with rose, now long gone, catmint has been successful as an underplanting but in the spring of 2020 we will add salvias and foxgloves. It is ever-changing and creates a few debates between us when we decide we want a different feel to a particular area. Leading from the front to the back yard is a bluestone paved pathway. The alfresco area is a great place for friends and family. We lined the existing pergola with mixed hardwood with a slim 70x20 profile. The wood pizza oven was built from scratch by Anthony, it is a great oven and a hit with our nieces and nephews who love making unusual pizza toppings for Uncle Anthony to cook! We have updated the water feature from the original and we built a screen behind it to hide the neighbours while the trees were maturing. The bluestone crazy paving pathway leads down to the back of the property under 3 mature olive trees, past cloud busxuballs,Magnolia trees, Crype Myrtles, hydrangeas and many perennials that make up our garden beds. The far corner through the buxus hedge and vintage gate are 3 rolled aluminium vegetable rounds. We fill these every year with tomatoes, basil, strawberries, artichokes and one peony that I can’t bear to rehome (it isn’t cold enough for them but I live in hope that one day it will bear more than 1 flower a season). We have screened this area with apple and pear espalier using rio-steel mesh to train them into an espalier shape. These are surrounded by a low maintenance surface of crushed rocks topped with crusher dust-similar to lilydale toppings and the beds are set up with irrigation.

The Challenge
Nothing is a challenge in this garden, we love spending time in it. I guess the one challenge is never being satisfied with how it looks and forever wanting it to be perfect. We love showing it off to friends.

Your Project 
If you’re looking for backyard landscaping inspiration, our garden project provides beautiful lush inspiration. View the before and after images below and feel free to contact us on 1300 262 821, or via our Contact Us to discuss your project.



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